Full-scale emergency exercise on Brakerøya

On Thursday 7 November, police, healthcare, and military personnel will conduct an exercise at the old Fjellheim School, Brakerøya. The exercise is planned as a mass casualty exercise. You may hear shooting and noise from the area.

Sist endret:

The exercise takes place at three different locations. The first part of the exercise takes place in Ilebergveien 21 from approx. 8 am to approx. 12 noon where the exercise is to handle a mass casualty situation with elements of PLIVO (ongoing life-threatening violence). The aim is to practice how the emergency services and military personnel communicate, and how all personnel involved should act and cooperate in dangerous situations.

The second part of the exercise continues in the emergency department at the hospital in Drammen and at Drammen legevakt (emergency room).

Residents, schools, kindergartens, and businesses in the immediate area will be notified of the exercise. In addition, an SMS will be sent to everyone who is registered as a resident near Ilebergveien 21.